Swimming Pool



Location  Located inside of Meeks Park behind the upper baseball fields – Address: 490 Meeks Park Rd, Blairsville, GA 30512
Hours of Operation Opening Day Saturday, May 25, 2024

Open daily 12pm-6pm only on Saturday and Sunday. The pool will be open Labor Day, 12pm-6pm, and will then close for the season.

Closed July 4th 2024.



 Phone # (706) 439-6101.


CASH, CHECK, Credit and Debit accepted at the pool.  Credit/debit transactions must be $5 or more.  
$5 per person for one day. Children 5 and under are FREE.
$130 family membership pass for Union County residents. $155 for non-residents.
$70 single membership pass for Union County residents. $80 for non-residents.

Pool passes may be purchased at the Union County Recreation Department located at 519 Industrial Blvd beginning on May 13, 2024 or at the pool when it opens.

Summer Water Aerobics- (Low-medium impact) This is a summer program that is offered at Meeks Park Pool. This class is designed as a fun workout in the water. This is generally easier on the joints and movement for individuals participating in this class. Classes may use the pool noodle, water weights and general movement in the water for these workouts. Classes are three mornings a week (M/W/F) during the summer (weather permitting).  Drop in for a class or sign up by the month for a cost-effective workout. Water aerobics begins 6/3/2024 at 10:30am-11:30am.

Swim Lessons-

Swimming Lessons

Swimming lessons will be offered at Meeks Park Pool. Leanna Gray will be the lead instructor.  Group lessons will be provided for ages 3-12. Sessions last 1 hour, 4 days a week. Fee $65 per child. You MUST register in person at the Union County Sports Center.  SPACE IS LIMITED!

Dates of Lessons:


Swimming is an activity that burns lots of calories, is easy on the joints, supports your weight, builds muscular strength, builds endurance, and improves cardiovascular fitness. Swimming is also fun! It cools you off on hot summer days and is something people of all ages can enjoy. Meeks Park is home to a beautiful swimming pool and splash pad with many amenities including concessions, lounge chairs, tables, rest rooms, and showers.

Pool Parties

Reservations for Pool Parties will begin on May 13, 2024 at 8:00am.  You Must reserve in person on that day at the Union County Sports Center.  After May 13, you can call to make reservations for any open dates that are still available.  A $25 non-refundable deposit is required on the day the reservation is made.

Pool party cost is $160.  Fee covers use of facility and lifeguards only. Renter is responsible for cleaning up after the party.
– Mandatory 2 lifeguards per party
-40 people and over require an additional lifeguard
-Parties are from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. No parties will be booked on Mondays or Wednesdays.



Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 21-2-265, you are hereby notified of proposed changes in the Election Day polling location for voters in Precinct 1 (Blairsville) currently voting at Pat Haralson Memorial Civic Center. The Board of Elections plans to relocate the voters effective for the next scheduled election on June 17, 2025. The Voting location will be moved from the Civic Center to the Union County Sports Center located at 519 Industrial Blvd, Blairsville, GA 30512. Official Announcement Document.