Farmers Barket Dog Park

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407 Farmers Market Way
Blairsville, GA 30512
Open daily Dawn to Dusk
Closed Wednesdays from 10:00am-2:00pm
for maintenance
Phone: 706-439-6043

For a printable copy of the Dog Park Rules & Information:  Click here


1. Use of the dog park is at your own risk.  Owners are legally responsible for their dogs and any injuries and damages caused by them.

2. All dogs must wear a collar with a valid license and have current vaccinations required by law.

3. No more than two (2) dogs per person.  Dogs must be under control and supervised by owner at all times.

4. If your dog becomes aggressive, you must immediately leash the dog and exit the park.

5. Dog waste must be cleaned up by owner immediately.

6. You must be at least 16 years of age to supervise a dog in the park.  Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult and supervised at all times.

7. Equipment is designed for DOGS ONLY, children are not permitted on dog park equipment.

8. Dogs must be leashed prior to entering and exiting park.

9. Gates must be closed after entrance and exit.


Puppies (under four months)        Sick or Aggressive dogs         Dogs in heat

Food (human and dog)                   Glass containers                      Use of tobacco products