Election FAQ

Who can vote in Georgia?

  • Only registered voters can vote in Georgia. Register today!

Once I have registered where do I vote?

  • After your county receives your voter registration form, you will receive a precinct card in the mail, which will state the location of your polling place and your local, State, and Federal districts. If you do not receive your precinct card within 30 days, contact the voter registration office in your county by calling (706) 439-6016.On Election Day registered voters may only vote at their specific polling location. Your particular polling place is determined by the county precinct in which you live. That, of course, is determined by the street address that you list as your place of residence on your registration application.

When are the polls open?

  • On Election Day polls are open from 7:00AM until 7:00PM. However, any voter who is waiting in line to vote at 7:00PM will be allowed to vote.

What is Advance/Early Voting?

  • There shall be a period of early voting that shall commence on the fourth Monday immediately prior to each primary or election and as soon as possible prior to a runoff and shall end on the Friday immediately prior to each primary, election, or runoff. Voting shall be conducted during normal business hours on weekdays during such period and shall be conducted on two consecutive Saturdays prior to primary or election during the hours of 9:00 A.M. through 5 P.M.; provided, however, that in primaries and elections in which there are no federal or state candidates on the ballot, no Saturday voting hours shall be required. Code Section 21-2-385(d)(1)  Drop Box:  The drop box is located downstairs in the courthouse in the early voting venue.  The drop box is available during the hours of early voting.

What is Absentee Voting?

  • Absentee voting is a way to vote in the days prior to any election day by either making application in person to vote in the Election Office or by requesting an application for an absentee ballot via the mail. It is no longer necessary to state an excuse or reason in order to receive an absentee ballot.

May I receive assistance with my absentee ballot?

  • Yes. A physically disabled or illiterate voter may receive assistance from another voter in the same county or municipality or from the same category of relatives who can make an application for or deliver an absentee ballot. If the voter is outside of the county or municipality, then a notary public can provide such assistance. Any person who assists another person to vote absentee must complete an oath prescribed by law demonstrating the statutory disability and that the ballot was completed as the voter desired. Other than Federal elections, no person may assist more than ten voters in a primary, election, or runoff. A candidate on the ballot, or a relative of a candidate on the ballot, may not offer assistance during the election to any voter who is not related to the candidate.

How do I apply for an absentee ballot?

  • IMPORTANT: The APPLICATION FOR GEORGIA OFFICIAL ABSENTEE BALLOT must be used to request an absentee ballot, and it must contain the address to which the ballot is to be mailed, sufficient information to identify you as a voter, and the election in which you wish to vote. If you are physically disabled or living temporarily outside your county of residence, a close relative may apply for an absentee ballot for you. Applications for absentee ballots by uniformed or overseas voters (pursuant to the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act) can be accepted more than 180 days prior to a primary or election in which a Federal candidate appears on the ballot as well as for any runoffs resulting there from, including presidential preference primaries. This application is valid for two general elections. It is no longer necessary to state an excuse in order to receive an absentee ballot via mail; however, an excuse is still necessary to vote absentee in person. REMINDER:  If you are making application for an Absentee Ballot, please pay close attention to the Voter Identification requirements.  Applications can only be processed if correct identification information is provided. SAMPLE APPLICATION FOR ABSENTEE BALLOT

Once the absentee ballot is received by the citizen, it must be completed and received by the county registrar’s office by 7:00PM on Election Day. No absentee ballots are issued on the day before or the day of an election.



The February 26 meeting for the Board of Tax Assessors has been cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience.