

Unlike with a Tornado or a Winter Storm, there will likely be NO WARNING for a terrorist attack. Union County residents make sure that your families know what they would do to account for each other in a disaster. A Family Disaster Plan is critical and should be in place at all times. Your family's plan should include Emergency Contacts, identification of Rally Points, Disaster Supply Kits and more

Rally Points

Since your family is not together 24 hours a day, you need to consider how you would find each other in a disaster. Rally points (physical locations) should be identified for the most commonly frequented locations (i.e. work, school, neighbors). For example, if a crisis occurs at school — a location where both parents and child designate to meet should be included in your plan.

After a terrorist incident

  • If you are trapped in a building use flashlights. Protect your head and airway from smoke or debris, if trapped tap on a pipe or other metal to alert rescuers.
  • Untrained persons should not attempt to rescue trapped people in collapsed buildings.
  • Chemical Agent – Authorities will instruct you to either seek shelter and seal the premises or evacuate.
  • Are you ready?
  • Be alert and aware of your surroundings.
  • Take precautions when traveling. Be aware of any conspicuous or unusual behavior.
  • Learn where emergency exits are located.
  • Be ready to enact your family disaster plan.
  • Announcements


    The February 26 meeting for the Board of Tax Assessors has been cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience.