Marriage Licenses

The Probate Court of Union County issues marriage licenses and maintains those records. We also issue certified and plain copies of marriage licenses and applications for all marriages that were applied for in Union County. We do not perform marriage ceremonies.

ONLINE APPLICATION click here: All applicants must submit an online application. Within two weeks, applicants must come to the Probate Court to complete the application process. Please follow directions as indicated on the online application and indicated below.

Obtaining a marriage license – issued Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.:

  • Applicants must both appear in person to complete the application for a marriage license.
  • Applicants must be 18 years of age or older. (Certain circumstances permit underage applicants to obtain a marriage license. Call the Union County Probate Court for additional information.)
  • A picture identification card is required for both applicants.
  • A divorce decree or death certificate from the former spouse is required from any applicant that has had a prior marriage.
  • At least one applicant has to be a resident of Georgia in order to apply for a marriage license in a county other than the county where the ceremony is to take place. If both applicants are nonresidents of Georgia, then the application must be made in the county where the marriage ceremony will take place.

Effective May 13, 2010 the fee for a marriage license is:

  • $26.00 for couples with a certificate of pre-marriage counseling.*
  • $66.00 for couples without a certificate of pre-marriage counseling.
  • Fees are payable by cash, local check, money order or Visa or MasterCard.
  • Certified copies are an additional $10.00 per copy.

After the ceremony, the license is to be returned to the issuing probate court, which will then record the license in the marriage docket. Certified copies of the license may then be issued by the court.


Marriage License Request Form (Printable .pdf form)

Qualified Pre-marital Education Form (Printable .pdf form)

*Note: Pre-marital counseling must include at least six hours of instruction involving marital issues, which may include but not be limited to: (a) conflict management, (b) communication skills, (c) financial responsibilities, (d) child and parenting responsibilities; and (e) extended family roles. The program must have been completed within twelve months prior to the application, and the couple must have undergone the premarital education together. To qualify, the premarital education must have been performed by: (a) a professional counselor, social worker, or marriage and family therapist; (b) a psychiatrist; (c) a psychologist; or (d) an active member of the clergy when in the course of his or her service as clergy, or the designee of such active member of the clergy, provided the designee is skilled and trained in premarital education.


** All in-office credit/debit card payments are processed by EZCourtpay and will incur a 4.5% processing fee. **



The February 26 meeting for the Board of Tax Assessors has been cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience.