Clerk of Superior Court

65 Courthouse St.
Blairsville, GA 30512
Monday - Friday
Clerk of Superior Court: Judy Odom
Phone: (706) 439-6022

This office is responsible for all the civil and criminal affairs and filings made in the Union County Superior Court. It also serves as the official recorder of real-estate documents for the County maintaining records of deeds, plats, etc. The Clerk also provides the jury pool for Grand Jury and civil and criminal trials.

  • Deeds – Need to have a witness and be notarized to be recorded.
  • Plats – Need to have a survey with signature (in black ink) of a certified engineer on the seal.
  • Subdivision Plats need to be approved by the County Engineer prior to recording.


Important Downloads & Links

Jury Information:


Grand Jury Information:


Pro-Se Litigant (Self-Representation) Information:


Passport Information:


Military Discharge Information:


Trade Name Information:


Civil Action Filings & Domestic Relations:

  • Domestic Relations Standing Order



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