1. If I was registered with the previous system, will I need to register with CodeRED?

If you were registered with the previous system, your information has been switched to the CodeRED System.  We do encourage you to go to the CodeRED Registration website to ensure your information is correct and up to date.

  1. Why did Union County switch emergency notification systems?

Union County switched systems to provide additional benefits to the residents and visitors of Union County.  Some of the additional benefits include customizable weather notifications, additional methods of delivery, and the mobile app which allows you to keep track of alerts in the area.

  1. What is CodeRED and what is it used for?

CodeRED is a web-based critical communication solution that enables local public safety personnel to notify residents, businesses and visitors by phone, text, email, and social media of time-sensitive information, emergencies, or urgent notifications in a timely manner.

  1. Is there a cost to register for CodeRED?

No, registering for CodeRED phone calls, text, and emails are free.  Simply sign up on our enrollment website and select you preferred means of communication.  Also, the CodeRED mobile app is free. 

  1. How will I know when CodeRED is calling?

A CodeRED message will have the following caller ID numbers:

    • 800-566-9780 – WEATHER WARNINGS
    • 866-419-5000 – EMERGENCY CALLS
    • 855-969-4636 – GENERAL CALLS

       6. How do I register or update my information?

Visit our website: Union County CodeRed

If you do not have internet and/or need assistance you can call Union County EMA at (706) 439-6091 or CodeRED support team at (866) 939-0911

  1. Can I register more than one number and/or address?

Yes, you can register multiple numbers and email addresses.  You can also register multiple physical addresses (Example: home and work) to receive messages for those selected addresses.

  1. What do I do if I receive a CodeRED message?

If you receive a CodeRED phone call, listen carefully to the entire message. You can repeat the message by pressing any key. Do not call 911 for further information unless directed to do so, or you need immediate aide from the appropriate emergency personnel. If you receive a CodeRED email or text message, please be sure to read the entire message carefully and follow all instructions.

  1. What if I miss a CodeRED phone call?

The CodeRED system will leave a message on your answering machine or voicemail if you miss a CodeRED phone call. If you do not have an answering machine, the system will consider the call as “incomplete” and will attempt to call again after several minutes have passed. If your phone line is busy, CodeRED will try two more times to connect. At any point, you may re-dial the 800 number on your caller ID to hear a replay of the message sent.




The February 26 meeting for the Board of Tax Assessors has been cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience.